Holiday Gift Baskets – Jedwards Has You Covered!

Searching for gift ideas for that special family member or friend this holiday season? Coming up short on a unique gift idea? Looking for something fun, inexpensive, thoughtful, and quarantined approved? Well, explore no further as we have some special ideas we’re confident will put a smile on that special someone’s face! Gift baskets are…

It’s Almost Cyber Week, exclusive at Jedwards!

Celebrated across the country following Thanksgiving & Black Friday, Cyber Monday is almost here! Historically known as one of the greatest online shopping experiences of the year, e-commerce sites will reflect slashed prices on select items for a day to further kick off the holiday season. But, why should such a highly anticipated shopping event…

October is Fair Trade Month

October is a favorite month of ours at Jedwards! Aside from the surrounding beautiful scenery and ideal weather conditions we are fortunate enough to embrace in New England, the entire month is dedicated to recognizing the importance of fair trade. What exactly is “Fair Trade,” you may be asking? For those who are not familiar,…

Celebrate Fair Trade Month!

October is full of excitement from Yom Kippur to Halloween along with the growing buzz revolving around the upcoming election and Presidential debates! Days are shorter, nights are colder, and the foliage season is well underway. The red, yellow, orange, and brown leaves scream autumn. There are many traditions that go with fall: apple picking,…


Hello, August of 2020. The hottest month of the year has arrived and like everything else this year, in full force. Scientists predict that this month could break many records as temperatures soar worldwide. Phoenix is expecting to top 110 degrees by ends week. The UK is in it’s third hottest day, as well as…

Hello July, We Celebrate You

In 1776, the 13 colonies claimed their independence from England and thus was the start of the United States! On Saturday, July 4th, the nation will celebrate its 245th birthday which normally would entail parades, fireworks, large group gatherings, and live music performances. However, as we’ve been experiencing almost all of 2020 so far, most…

June means Summer Savings!

Summer will officially begin on Saturday, June 20th this year! The start of this summer will be nothing close to previous summers as the country is taking on a “new normal”. Cities and towns have set new rules and regulations that have and will continue to affect traditions, holidays, and what used to be ordinary…

You MAY take 15 % off!

In 1974, President Gerald Ford ratified EMS week in celebration of the nations’ EMS workers for the vital work they perform. EMS week will be celebrated this year from May 17th to May 23rd. During this time, all emergency medical service employees will be recognized for the services they perform in medicine’s “front line.” Now is…

Castor Oil – Refined Organic

As most are aware, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on March 24th that the country would go into lock down for 21 days in hopes to control the spread of COVID-19. The once busy streets of India are now deserted as its 1.3 billion residents remain quarantined. Unfortunately, the lock down has had an…

Savings in April

April 2020, as we are all aware by now, will be like no other. Jedwards will continue to maintain normal operations as we fall in the category of Essential Business; however, due to the surge in demand of raw materials while having limited staff on-site to maintain and respect social distancing, our current order processing…