The Palm Oil Conundrum Demystified

We get numerous emails and phone calls here at Jedwards International every single day, ranging from drum pricing requests to inquiries about the various raw ingredients we supply.   In an attempt to address some of the more common queries that are, in fact, very good questions, today’s blog focus is on oil from Palm. 

Olive Oil 101

Considered the oldest known cultivated tree in the world, Olea europaea, or the olive tree, could be found throughout the Mediterranean basin over 6000 years ago, before written language was invented.  The appearance of olives throughout history has been documented and observed. 

Making Waves with Marula

As with any industry, there are trends that are observed in the raw ingredient market.  It’s never quite clear how these trends gain momentum.  The latest material to take the bulk wholesale cosmetic industry by storm is Marula Oil.  Jedwards International is thrilled to be adding Virgin Organic Marula Oil to our ever-growing list of…

Cha, Cha, Cha CHIA SEED OIL!

Many of us today primarily relate the word “chia” to the once famous pet plant that took the retail industry by storm in the 1980’s.  A clever ram shaped object that grew sprouts became a trendy gift idea, changing the face of Christmas for several years.    Nowadays, the term chia, which is a species of…

Weighing in on Wintergreen

“And now he shook away the snow of time from the winter-green of memory, and beheld the fair years of his childhood uncovered, fresh, green, and balmy, standing afar off before him.”~ Jean Paul In botany, the term “evergreen” refers to all plants and trees that maintain their greenness throughout the winter.  When we hear…