Game-Changers: Natural Ingredients That Are Winning Big in Sports & Wellness Products

Over the last decade, worldwide participation in organized sports—and athletic endeavors in general—has been trending upwards. We can point to many possible factors for this global increase in engagement. While universal shifts in culture have played a role, exposure to thousands of sports (old and new) continues to spread rapidly through screens & social media….

New Beeswax Supplier

Rolling into the Fall season this year, waxes are coming back into a strong swing for demand as the palpable aroma of festive candles fill the air.  Accompanying the excitement, Jedwards is proud to announce a new supplier of Organic Certified Beeswax to meet such demand, and what better way to do so than from…

Show Me the Honey

In the 1380’s while writing the Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer coined the phrase, “Busy as a bee.”  This ancient comparison of women to bees is fairly apt, as every single worker honey bee that gathers nectar and pollen from flowers is female.  The activity surrounding a bee’s daily tasks seems exhausting, but their determination, day…